This installment of The Five Count featured an exclusive interview with legendary radio personality Dr. Demento. A member of the Comedy Music Hall of Fame and National Radio Hall of Fame, Dr. Demento has been the host of The Dr. Demento Show since 1970. He was also instrumental in helping start the career of “Weird Al” Yankovic. We were also joined by John Cafiero, the producer of Dr. Demento’s new album Dr. Demento Covered In Punk. During the show they discussed the new album, the state of “novelty music” today, and hosting The Dr. Demento Show for nearly 50 years. Get the new album now!
During the rest of the show we argued over the proper way to eat corn dogs, Ton explained his acute fear of singer Lorde, and we discussed the possibility of a Prince hologram performing at the Super Bowl. It was 10 percent toilet humor and 90 percent novelty music!